Saturday, July 1, 2023

Evelyn's Mid-Summer Living Room Makeover

 Hello, Darlings

This morning, I want to share with you my latest living room makeover.

Every few years I change little things to improve the looks of the living area, generally, the living room, kitchen or bath.  I haves such a restless and creative mind that I become obsessed with do-it-yourself projects that involve repurposing and fixing things.

I usually do these makeovers during the spring, however, this year I am a little late because there was so much to do and getting some of the items I wanted to buy became a lengthy ordeal.  Once I had everything ….  THE MAKEOVER BEGAN!

The reason for this year’s makeover is that I became bored with the brown on tan on beige décor. Adding the tan color of the walls, the rooms look smaller and closed in, so a change was needed.  Because the walls are painted tan, I considered repainting them, but opted out.  To liven the living room up a bit I added a splash of teal and light beige to fit in with my Native American and nature motif, so I covered the brown faux leathers sofa and the recliner with teal colored slip covers, and then added a beige medium length shag area rug.

My husband jokingly asked me if I was trying to relive the 1970s to which I told him, no.

The truth of the matter is that I saw the scheme of the room in my mind’s eye and knew it would work. Once I got all the items I needed to work with and the room was done, the whole living room took on a more rich and inviting look that is now pleasing to the eye and the senses. 

And then, I saw it… I found an eye sore. A couple of years back I brought in from the garden a large milk crate, which was acting as a stand for one of the container plants outside. Because the living room décor was mostly brown and tan, the black milk crate, it blended in well enough with the rest of the décor. 

However, since I have added the teal sheers and slipcovers, as well as the beige rug, the milk crate stood out starkly, as seen on the picture below.  My thoughts were: It has to go. Or, better yet, it, as I opted to do, had to change.

So, you might ask. How do you make something that was intended for carting things around into something that can blend in with the rest of the decor?

Can you make something that lacks a certain beauty for use in the living area into something pleasing?

Well, you can … And I did.

The pictures below shows the same milk crate after I added a small pillow, a teal seat cover and some cardboard to make a hidden storage area with a lid underneath. I also braided three strands of macramé cord to make the edging.  And now, it looks great and blends in just as I hoped.



Well, I hope you have enjoyed viewing my living room makeover and the little diy project. We do.

Until next time,

       Chow, Darlings