Friday, June 21, 2024

Evelyn’s Butter Pecan Ice Cream Made with Junket

 Hello, Darlings

Evelyn here with an MAJOR UPDATE.

If you downloaded the previous version of this recipe, discard it, or add the changes in line 2 to it. I realized when I went to make some chocolate ice cream that I was using the smoothie setting on the Instant Pot Ace Blender that I own. By the way, the  Instant Pot Ace Blender that I use is not the same as the Instant Pot Ace 60 Cooking Blender, which from what I have heard makes ice cream. However, with it you have to place the ice cream in the freezer it firm it up. With my method you have two choices, soft serve for cones or if you want it firmer, like store bought ice cream,  place it in the freezer for 30 minutes. 


 Hello, Darlings

Who doesn't love homemade ice cream? Well, recently I bought a ice cream maker, because I missed the flavor and taste of the ice cream that my grandfather use to made using a bucket, ice, salt, chocolate and fresh fruits . Today, we are more advance. While you can still use this method, and there are many machines to help you make it, today there are new products that I believe will change the way ice cream has been made from the past. With these machines you can eliminate the use of ice and pre-freezing the ice cream pan.

Let's face it, I love cooking and making things that are quick and easy, and the COWSAR's  ice cream maker allows me to do just that. As for the ice cream mixture itself, I like the taste and smoothness of the Junket brand ice cream mixes. Remember, lazy me, "quick and easy", that's my motto.

To prove my point, below is my recipe for my favorite ice cream, Butter pecan.


Evelyn’s Butter Pecan Ice Cream Made with Junket

Makes 1 quart


1 tbsp unsalted butter

½  cup Praline Pecans halves, sliced

1-1/4 cup lactose free whole milk

3/4 cup heavy cream

1-1/2 to 2 tsps Pecan extract

1 package Junket Simple Vanilla Ice Cream Mix or the Very Vanilla Ice Cream Mix



COWSAR 1.3 Quart Ice Cream Maker (has its own freezing compressor)

An Instant Pot Ace Blender or a regular blender

Air tight ice cream container



  1. In a medium non stick skillet melt butter. Add the sliced pecans. Cook over low heat until pecans are warm and well coated. Remove from heat, strain and reserve pecans. Discard remaining butter or if making ice cream in the morning, fry a couple of eggs for breakfast.
  2. In the Instant Pot Ace Blender or a regular blender combine the Junket Very Vanilla mix, milk, heavy cream and Pecan extract. If you are using the pulsing blender, select the ‘Smoothie’ setting and run the setting twice, or if using a regular blender, blend the mixture until it is dissolved well, about 5 to 10 minutes.
  3. Turn the COWSAR 1.3 Quart Ice Cream Maker on. Pour mixture into the bucket and press the Ice Cream Function button, and then prep for the dinner meal, go read a book, watch a little TV or do chores.
  4. Five minutes before the ice cream cycle ends add the sliced pecan. If the machine stops before you finish your chores, the Insulation Program keeps the ice cream solid for 20 minutes after the ice cream function has stopped.
  5. Serve, or if eating later, transfer ice cream to an airtight container and place in the freezer. I found that letting the ice cream age a few days increases the flavor.


 Download the Recipe here.


A Widescreen Online Review Plus Recipe

 P.S. The reason for the lack of photos or the use of generic photos is that we ate the meals before I thought of shooting photos. It happens.

Evelyn’s Homemade Pizza Sauce Revision

 Hello, Darlings

Is it hot enough for you? Being retired as I am, and at home must of the time, I don't get to experience many of the weather variants that Florida has to offer. However, I digress from the purpose of this entry.

For several years now, I have made my own pizza for various reasons, such as rise in prices, poor quality and smaller quantity. Remember the Arby's commercial: "Where is the beef?" Well, according to the news and consumer complaints, the former is the bane of many fast food restaurants today.Just yesterday as I was returning home from one of my rare errands, I was surprise a Checker's fast food restaurant was closed, and further surprise from my husband that the restaurant has been closed for about a year.

Nevertheless, today entry is entitled, "Evelyn’s Homemade Pizza Sauce Revision". It is delicious and super easy to make, and I hope you will give it a try.



  • 8 oz can Tomato Sauce
  • 1/2 of a 6 oz can Tomato Paste
  • 1/4 tsp Brown Sugar
  • 1/2 tsp Garlic Powder
  • 1 1/2 tsp Italian Seasoning
  • Pinch Red Pepper Flakes


  1.  Combine the can of tomato sauce and half of the can of tomato paste in a microwave mixing bowl, or a glass measuring 16 oz. cup.
  2. Stir in the brown sugar and spices.
  3. Place mixture in microwave and cook for 2 to 3 minutes; let sit while making pizza crust and prepping toppings.
  4. This sauce tastes the best if you can let it set for an hour or so before using it to let the flavors mingle.
  5. Spread on pizza crust and top with your favorite toppings, and bake as needed.  
  6. This recipes makes enough for one 12" pizza baking in a Betty Crocker's pizza maker for 9 ½ minutes.

Adapted from:

 Download the recipe here.


Sunday, June 9, 2024

Evelyn's Air Fryer Stuffed Acorn Squash with Crushed Pineapple

Hello, Darlings

I know it’s been a while but I have busy with ups and downs of gardening, both indoors and out. If you have not already done so, check out my blog, "Evelyn’s Twigs, Thyme and Stranger Things Garden."

Today I want to share my new recipe “Air Fryer Stuffed Acorn Squash with Crushed Pineapple.” It is very delicious and easy to make.I paired this recipe with Betty Crocker's Slow-Cooker Corn Pudding with streamed green beans and ham as pictured on the website.


Air Fryer Stuffed Acorn Squash with Crushed Pineapple


1 acorn squash

1 can crushed pineapple

4 tablespoons butter

¼ cup brown sugar

Apple pie seasoning


1.      Cut acorn squash in half, lengthwise. Remove and discard seeds and fiber.

2.      In a shallow microwave casserole dish, place squash cut-side down. Put 1 to two tablespoons of water in bottom of dish.

3.      Microwave covered on high power 7 minutes until almost tender.

4.      In the meanwhile, combine crushed pineapple, apple pie seasoning and two pads of butter in a mixing bowl.

5.      When squash is done, let cool and peel off and discard skin.

6.      Place acorns back in casserole dish

7.      Fill centers with pineapple mixture.

8.      Melt the remaining butter and pour into the center of the acorns and sprinkle the tops with additional apple pie seasoning

9.      Air fry at 400 for 20 minutes, or until tops are toasty brown

10.  Before serving acorns sprinkle centers with brown sugar and microwave for 2 minutes

11.  Remove from microwave, and then pour drippings over crushed pineapple in the centers.

12.  Serve warm

Download PDF here.

Until next time,

      Chow, Darlings

A Widescreen Online Review Plus Recipe