am just posting this quick update of my Mary Garden. For a while now, I have wanted
to do something about the view behind my bench and the Boston ferns. I
wanted to make the area a little more intimate without changing the initial setup
too much. Below is the result.
Beautiful, right!
redesign will offer some privacy during the cool fall evenings.
I did it.
bought the divider and sprayed it with a polyurethane sealant spray to weather
proof it. Then I added some young Dipladenia
flowering plants.I also made the plant hangers. The hangers are
simple and light weight.I read
where these plants grow downward fast and flower often making them perfect for
the hanging baskets. When these
Dipladenia grow over the pots, the effect will be
beautiful. However, I might have to raise the pots higher. Time will tell.
Until next time,
Chow, Darlings
UPDATE: All the Dipladenia
flowering plants in bloom today. A quick turn in the main garden. It's a little windy but it feels good.
I hope you are faring well during long and drawn out pandemic. Although I have had my vaccination shots, I have had periods where I have felt unwell. So I haven't out in the garden as much. However, today, I want to share these updated videos of my Mary Garden and my new Saint Michael statue that I just placed in the garden this evening.
This first video is from my camera, which was going out of focus and I will have to reset it because was going out of focus.
This followup video is from my cell phone.
As stated in another of my post this garden is an ongoing project and had no end.
I am really like statues of Saint Michael and I have another in the house, along with Saints Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael. However, my indoor Saint Michael had been with more than twenty years. Both of the statues of Saint Michael are beautiful but each have seldom differences as described in my "How My Garden Grows, or Not, Sic", "The Life and Cultivation of My Little Garden" journal.
09/19/2021 - Between 2am
and 2:40am this morning, I was out feeding and watering the garden. I could not
sleep, so watering the plants at night was a good things. I have decided to do
all my watering after 9pm for the rest of the year. It is just too for me to be
out in the hot sun during the day.
I will continue to
maintain the plants and garden ground in the early morning before the sun going
to high in the sky.
I received my Toscano’s
St. Michael the Archangel statue. He is a little different from the saint
Michael in the house.
The household Saint
Michael is holding his role out of way as he is poised to strike Satan with his
sword. However, the garden Saint Michael is holding the ‘scale of justice’
while he too is poised to strike Satan down. Regardless of the difference between
the two statues, scales or no scale, the meaning is unchanged and clear; “evil
will be dealt with and brought to justice”. In this biblical this scene Satan
is being cast down into hell for warring against God’s will and harming
humanity. Still, the meaning remains unchanged
The back of the two
statues are different as well. The rear of the household Saint Michael has his robe
artfully flowing in the wind and the backside of Satan’s leather-like wings are
showing, Now here is where the different comes in, the rear of the garden Saint
Michael has Satan’s serpent like body attempting to wrap around the archangel
as he (Satan) tries to prevent Saint Michael from striking with the sword
While took these picture
of Saint Michael in the Mary Garden today. I did not leave him there because he
need some weather protective spray. Once he is sprayed to protect him from the
Florida sun and rain I will place him back out there. Today, I just wanted to
see if the area I chose to place him was a good spot. It is but I want to add a
backdrop of artificial plants to hide the ac unit. Up until last week I had
live plants there but I worried about the ac unit pulling pollen, dirt and
things from the pots into the house. My lungs feel so full and heavy, while my
throat is hot and very painful.
Anyway, here are the
pictures taken today.
09/19/2021-Garden Saint Michael
09/19/2021-Household Saint Michael
09/19/2021-Household Saint Michael Rear
09/19/2021-Garden Saint Michael Rear
As the pictures of the outdoor St Michael shows, I had him outside briefly to see how he would look in the area that I chose to place him. I brought him back in and today added my do-it-yourself half circle ivy covered trellis to hide the ac unit. Doing so made this area a little more dramatic.
Well, this is all I have to share today so stay well, and until next time,